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Pastor B. BON (alias Pastor BON) has the revelation to build a StoreHOUSE (A Federal Credit Union) where his members would benefit from their offerings and donations and be able to grow financially. His revelation started in a refugee camp.
Several years ago, he was a refugee in Africa, living in a camp of about one thousand refugees. In his Church on Camp, they collected freewill offerings as a normal church tradition. And although people were struggling financially, members faithfully gave. Considering the poverty on camp, Pastor Bon was deeply moved to pull the offerings together in a system replica of the Storehouse in the Bible, with a focus on members. The system worked, and many members received assistance.

Pastor Bon said, “This experience opened my eyes to believe that church offerings should be leveraged to benefit both the receivers and the givers.” Today, he lives in the United States, and has worked with Christian Immigrants for over 18 years. He said, “I see creativity and innovative abilities among members, that can create businesses and jobs.” With the generous donations and Freewill Offerings from members, Pastor Bon is determined to build this StoreHOUSE (a Federal Credit Union) from where they would benefit and grow financially. The StoreHOUSE (BANK) will support creative ideas and innovations, and generate abundance, wealth and prosperity.


Beige House
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